Amarula Ethiopian Coffee

  • About
Amarula Ethiopian Coffee combines real marula fruit with real coffee extracts. Experience our unique and flavourful marula essence with undertones of single-origin Ethiopian Arabica beans, full-bodied and fragrant.
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ABV 15.5%
Tasting notes
A delicate blend of wild Ethiopian Arabica beans. Taste mocha-chocolate with creamy notes of marula, citrus and caramel. It’s a drinking experience like no other, made for sharing.
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It’s a distillation of the Spirit of Africa – warm, exotic, rich and inherently shareable, bottled for you to enjoy wherever you are in the world.

Amarula Cream Liqueur

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Award winning

Our awards
WLA Gold 2024 WLA Gold 2024
WLA Country Winner 2024 WLA Country Winner 2024
WLA Design Gold 2022 WLA Design Gold 2022
TSB Gold 2023 TSB Gold 2023
WBA Brand of the Year WBA Brand of the Year
SF WSA Double Gold 2024 SF WSA Double Gold 2024
Great Taste 2 Stars 2022 Great Taste 2 Stars 2022
SFWSC 2023 SFWSC 2023